ARML 2022 Registration
ARML 2022 is scheduled to take place on June 3rd and 4th, 2022.
Please use this form to register for the competition. You can indicate participation either onsite or offsite. If you use a Google mail account for the required email, you will be able to edit this form after submission. This is highly recommended. If necessary, you can create a temporary gmail account for the purpose of this registration at gmail.com.
On-site Teams: Please utilize the google form and the housing spreadsheet below to register. After you complete the housing spreadsheet, please upload it using the link below. The spreadsheets are used to capture coach and chaperone contact information as well as roommate pairings for those teams which are participating onsite. Note that some sites, such as UAH, will require collecting birthdates, phone numbers, and email addresses for all coaches and chaperones. This google form must be returned no later than May 2nd. Registration closes to on-site teams on May 1st.
Please upload your completed housing spreadsheet here.
The Housing Spreadsheets are provided below.
Housing Spreadsheet for Penn State, UNLV, and Iowa (Common Form).
Housing Spreadsheet for University of Alabama at Huntsville.
Once completed, please upload your housing spreadsheet using the link provided below.
Upload your completed Spreadsheet here by May 2, 2022.
Off-site Teams: Billing will take place when registration closes on May 15th.
Enter contact information for up to 3 coaches to receive information about the contest.
Note, we are requesting the date of birth, email, and a current phone number for each adult chaperone.
- Regions may either compete on-site or off-site; regions cannot send some teams to one of our sites and have other teams taking the contest back at home.
- Questions will be released to the off-site teams on Thursday June 2nd to be printed; as in ARML Local the contest will be a single PDF file.
- Teams may not start the competition any earlier than 8am ET on Saturday, June 4th.
- Individual and Tiebreaker results must be submitted by 3pm ET on Saturday for your students to be considered for national individual awards.
- Team and Relay results and Power solutions must be submitted by 5pm ET on Saturday. We will most likely finalize off-site results after the on-site competition is completed, so we will be awarding separate awards for on-site and off-site teams.
- Off-site teams may take the rounds in a non-standard order, provided they submit results within the deadlines above.
With regards to COVID, ARML will defer to each university’s policy on masking, distancing, and quarantine. The current policies for each site are at the links below. We will encourage but will not require ARML participants to wear masks (we are explicitly prevented from enforcing a mask mandate at one of our sites), and our staff will wear masks when in close proximity to others.
- UAH: https://www.uah.edu/covid-19/
- PSU: https://https://virusinfo.psu.edu/health-guidelines/
- Iowa: https://coronavirus.uiowa.edu/spring-2022
- UNLV: https://www.unlv.edu/coronavirus/health-requirements
Please add the language below to any waiver that parents sign in order for their children to participate in ARML on-site. Note that some sites may require additional paperwork from parents and guardians so please work with your site coordinators.
“By registering for ARML, each participant acknowledges and accepts there are health risks associated with attending ARML on-site. Participants will be required to comply with any COVID regulations applicable to the contest location, and participants must agree that ARML is not responsible for any health-related consequences that arise as a result of participation in ARML.”
Registration fees for on-site ARML are $600 per team ($40 per alternate), plus $85 per person for housing Friday night as well as breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Prices for additional single rooms or room-nights beyond Friday vary depending on location and will be communicated by site coordinators. Registration for on-site ARML closes on Sunday, May 1st. Registration fees for off-site ARML are $150 per team ($10 per alternate), and closes Sunday, May 15th.
For contest sites that have background check and/or training requirements for chaperones, site coordinators will reach out with details after on-site registration closes on May 1st.
This year, we are welcoming three new site coordinators into the ARML fold: Nicholas Bullington will be working with Steve Condie this year at Iowa as Steve steps down after a long successful term as the Iowa site coordinator, and Bowen Kerins and Elise Paredez will be working with me at our new site at the University of Alabama Huntsville this year and then will be running it going forward. We are incredibly thankful for our new additions to our ARML organization.
We look forward to bringing students back together again in June, and we appreciate all of the hard work of the ARML coaches and volunteers to make this a reality. I look forward to seeing many of you soon.